Per a denúncies de tot possible frau referit exclusivament als fons Next Generation EU i a tot el que tingui relació amb ells pot enviar un email a fondos.next.generation@ajcapdepera.net o a través de les plataformes abaix esmentades per tal efecte.

A través d'aquest canal de denúncia obert, qualsevol persona pot notificar les sospites de frau i les presumptes irregularitats que, a aquest respecte, pugui haver detectat, s'informa que:

1.-La denúncia serà tinguda en compte i els seran comunicats els resultats de les gestions realitzades.

2.-Es respectarà la confidencialitat i la protecció de dades personals.

3.-No sofriran cap represàlia, ni seran sancionats en el cas que es tracti de funcionaris públics.

Comunicació d'informació sobre fraus o irregularitats que afectin fons europeus

El Servei Nacional de Coordinació Antifrau (SNCA) és l'òrgan encarregat de coordinar les accions encaminades a protegir els interessos financers de la Unió Europea contra el frau en col·laboració amb l'Oficina Europea de Lluita contra el Frau (OLAF).
Si desitja posar en coneixement del SNCA fets que puguin ser constitutius de frau o irregularitat en relació amb projectes o operacions finançats amb càrrec a fons procedents de la Unió Europea, pot utilitzar el canal habilitat a aquest efecte pel citat Servei, i al qual es pot accedir a través del següent enllaç:

OLAF : https://ec.europa.eu/anti-fraud/index_es

SNCA : https://www.igae.pap.hacienda.gob.es/sitios/igae/es-ES/snca/Paginas/ComunicacionSNCA.aspx

Email : fondos.next.generation@ajcapdepera.net


The Cala Rajada TIC has moved
The Cala Rajada Tourist Information Office is in the process of moving to the new centre in Cap Vermell. Therefore we apologise for the inconviniences. The Tourism Department informs that the centre will move during this week and next. It will open to the public on Thursday 2 September.
Talk on jelly fish
Educational talk If you are interested in collaborating as an observer in the Campaña Medusas organized by the Ministry of the environment and rural and maritime sector you are invited to attend the talk that will take place in: Asociación de la 3ª edad “Sol Naixent”. C/ Xuclamel, s/n - Cala Rajada. Thursday, 26 August, at 8pm. www.marm.es www.planmedusas.es
Events for young people
The Festival of Sant Bartomeu includes events for everyone. Children were able to enjoy of a day full of games organized by Factoria de somnis. Over 20 children took part in the activities and while some rolled on the ground playing a slightly different twister others played board or number games.
Moments of Sant Bartomeu
The prizes for the winners of the Festes de Sant Roc i Sant Bartomeu 2010 digital poster competition were given on the “sopar a la fresca” night, the main event of the Festival of Sant Bartomeu . In this edition, the first prize of 500 euros went to Margalida Bal·le, with 9 points. There were two second prizes of 250 euros as they had the same number of points and votes. They went to Gustav Tilmann and Marina Caldentey. The third place was left unclaimed. 44 poster entered the competition. Four were excluded for breaking the rules . The “sopar a la fresca” (dinner in the open) was a great success as is customary but on this occasion there were less people than in other editions. Nevertheless, the tables were full of good food and drink. The concert by The Capdepera Big Band created a great atmosphere.
The Town Council takes actions to reduce antisocial behaviour
The arrival of tourist to Cala Rajada during the summer months leads to measures to avoid possible conflicts and antisocial behaviours. Therefore, The Capdepera Town Council has taken measures to inform tourists about activities that are currently banned and punishable. . On the one hand, the Capdepera Local Police has been working for years to implement the ordinance that bans the use of glass bottles and music players on the beaches. The most conflictive site due to the number and profile of the people is the beach of cala Agulla. In the two entrance points, the main access roundabout and the car park in the pine forest, there is an explanatory poster informing visitors that they are not allowed to bring glass nor music to the beach. In both sites, there are police officers that inform and seize the bottles and players. The surveillance of the beaches is also conducted with the collaboration of other municipal workers who call the police if they see a music player. The officers will then seize it and store it in the station. If the citizen wants to recover it he or she must pay the fine. To be efficient, the beach bars can not sell glass bottles nor play loud music. . Even though the ordinance has been in force for several years more efforts are being made toenforce it. According to the Local Police most of the offenders are tourists who ignore the regulations. Furthermore, the months of June and August are more problematic because the average tourist is younger while August and September are quieter. We expect the number of offenses to decrease in time due to an increased awareness. During June and July, the Local Police cycling unit has intervened in 5 sun glass peddling and 10 fruit selling reports, 7 reports of radio cassette players on the beach, one of a megaphone, one of a glass beer bottle and 7 reports of public occupation, among other reports. On the other hand, to inform the tourist once they arrive to Capdepera, The Department of Environment has distributed leaflets in the hotels informing about banned activities on the beach and in public spaces. The objective of the leaflets is to avoid fines due to lack of information and to achieve the collaboration of visitors in maintaining the municipality clean, quiet and in optimal conditions. The Department of Environment has a green unit that sees to the compliance of the regulations, such as the cleaning, rubbish and waste ordinances and the pet and potentially dangerous animal ordinances. In 2009 they held 37 inquiries and 34 have been held until July 2010. On public spaces the main cause of sanctions was the improper consumption of alcohol. In Capdepera it is forbidden to drink alcohol on the street expect in bar and restaurant terraces and on fair and festival dayse. To avoid alcohol consumption the Town Council monitors shops selling alcohol, main 24-hour shops. All shops must meet the regulations including an up-to-date and appropriate license, a poster stating that the sale of alcohol to minors is forbidden and a visible sign with the opening hours. On the other hand, if police officer see someone drinking alcohol on the street they will proceed to seize the beverage.