
Xavi Torres i Elena Gómez a l’Estiu Esportiu
L’Estiu Esportiu ja s’acaba i ho fa amb uns convidats de luxe. A la jornada d’avui els nins i nines han gaudit de la companyia del nedador Xavi Torres i la gimnasta Elena Gómez.
Claire Ducreaux torna a Capdepera
Divendres a les 21h al Teatre de Capdepera un gran espectacle: En attendant d'inattendu, de la companyia Nats Nuts-Claire Ducreaux. El preu de l'entrada és: 5 euros Joves: 3 euros
‘Llum i acció!’ tornen a omplir el teatre
La companyia de teatre Llum i Acció! no aturen i és que divendres varen presentar la seva nova obra, Tot Girat! un musical escrit per Jeroni Morey.
Sant Bartomeu Race
The 27th Sant Bartomeu Race was a success. Around 200 runners took part in the event. Paco Ruiz García, from Club Atletisme Inca, won the race in 21:39. After the race, Pilar Gasull, head of the sports department, gave the prizes to the winners.
Sant Bartomeu races for children
Many local children took part in the Sant Bartomeu races for children. The children's races took place before the adult's races. The prizes for children were given after the start of the Sant Bartomeu Race.
Sant Bartomeu races for children
Many local children took part in the Sant Bartomeu races for children. The children's races took place before the adult's races. The prizes for children were given after the start of the Sant Bartomeu Race.